Here's what Financial Bursar Services has to offer...
Training / Coaching School Finance Staff.
Maintaining SIMS contracts.
Many years of experience working with FMS6 and SIMS packages.
Experience and knowledge of using the HCSS Budget Planning Tool to forecast multi-year budget plans which are linked to your SIP.
Provide regular, personalised reports to Headteachers and Governors showing the latest budget information and forecast data.
Support with general accounting on FMS6, i.e. Tab Reconciliation, Petty Cash Transactions, Income Processing, Bank Statement Reconciliation, Orders & Invoices, Cheque Processing, Accounts Receivable, Maintaining SIMs contracts.
Help with returns to the L.A. throughout the year, i.e. CFR Returns, Budget Intention Returns, Outturns, VAT Returns.
Attend Governor Meetings, where required, to keep the Headteacher and Governors informed of the latest budget position to help in making future financial decisions.